

My Story

I have always had a natural inclination toward coaching; in my late teens my influencer was Dale Carnegie. However, after my father, uncle, and grandfather passed away within four months, I realized that books do not have all the answers. In what was one of the most challenging times of my life, I looked to my older sibling for clarity and direction. But, unfortunately, they were not much older than me. I wished I’d had a compassionate, non-judgemental thinking partner outside my circle of close friends and family.

This is important because you do not want your challenges and questions dismissed. Instead, you want someone with experience and coaching skills to give clarity to overcome your challenges and answer your questions.

In my professional career, my experience working for Derhak Ireland Executive Recruitment Firm was special, particularly working on the transportation portfolio. It is here that I began to have an appreciation for truckers. With the help of a good friend and industry veteran, I have set up this business with the goal to help truckers and boost their wellbeing on and off the road.

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