Blog & Podcast

Blog & Podcast

We hear you, trucker!

Volunteering at the Iowa 80 Truckers Jamboree allowed me to meet some fantastic men and women behind the wheel. There are many challenges truckers face every day, and here is a small sample. For some new drivers' initial shock of adjusting to cold weather, planning their personal needs such as meals, laundry, showers, and sleep, picking up and delivering loads across the country can be challenging. Even if you delivered the loads on time, sick or tired, leaving a warm truck and walking across the street to use the washroom in the dead of winter is unthinkable. Another reason to volunteer at the Jamboree, during the covid shutdown, truckers kept our grocery store well stocked so that we have food on the table.

As a life coach, an independent recruiter, and a podcaster, my practice is in the solitary worker industry, like truckers. Unlike company recruiters, I am not under pressure to recruit drivers every month at any cost.

The blogs I have written are on personal or professional experiences, and I hope visitors to my site will find them helpful.

I found refuge in routine and survived
By Fred Carpenter and Associates 20 Sep, 2022
I am sure there will be books from authors on surviving a pandemic. But, when I look back to the year 2020, I did many routine things. Routines give us safety and make risk-averse a priority over a need to achieve at any cost.
Choosing what to think is a choice we make every day
By Fred Carpenter and Associates 20 Sep, 2022
When I prepare for a trip, I zealously guard my time as a scarce resource until the day I catch a flight out. The departure date is on post-it notes on a few places to remind me to hustle.
By Fred Carpenter and Associates 20 Sep, 2022
Being afraid of surprises, we become risk-averse, and our response can be that of “I will give it some thought and get back to you.” Is this disengagement or trying to stay relevant?
Nice guy with contentment is a bonus
By Fred Carpenter and Associates 20 Sep, 2022
When your friends call you a nice guy, does it mean you are a proper person of grace with good habits and excellent communication skills? Remember that in personal relationships, corroboration matters, and reviews matter in the internet world.
Peace, reflection, and long after matters
By Fred Carpenter and Associates 20 Sep, 2022
People saw your talent and connected you with the know-how, do-how, and who is who exclusive club. You were known, praised, and admired as a deal maker, and you did not disappoint by pulling off superhero feats in the past at work.
By Fred Carpenter and Associates 20 Sep, 2022
If you are a go-getter, you would want normalcy in a snap; however, the daily mass-casualty numbers affect your life, and mentally, you are unprepared.


On my return from Iowa 80 Truck Show, I wondered if truckers have new or mildly used spare parts for exchange or swaps on my podcast. So, for guests outside trucking, I have included new or mildly used university-college textbooks, clothes, electronics, handyman tools, kitchen utensils, power tools, etc.


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