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Fred Carpenter and Associates
Peace, reflection, and long after matters

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People saw your talent and connected you with the know-how, do-how, and who is who exclusive club. You were known, praised, and admired as a deal maker, and you did not disappoint by pulling off superhero feats in the past at work. The jet-set often called you to take charge and bring your rockstar connections for a fundraiser for a cause. The whole Covid thing has forced many, including you in the money, status, and Influence world, to forego the chase for something more profound than a career. Sabbatical has opened your eyes to the power of patience, perseverance, and love, the hallmarks of great painters and Hymn writers. There is always room for a talent like you in the Post-Covid. Doors will open and shut; however, it will take deliberate action to be remembered long after, like the painters and the hymn writers. Start with a coach as your thinking partner, and build a team around you.

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I found refuge in routine and survived
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Choosing what to think is a choice we make every day
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